Main Entry: hap·py
Pronunciation: \ˈha-pē\
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): hap·pi·er; hap·pi·est
Etymology: Middle English, from hap
Date: 14th century
1 : favored by luck or fortune : fortunate <a happy coincidence> 2 : notably fitting, effective, or well adapted : felicitous <a happy choice> 3 a : enjoying or characterized by well-being and contentment <is the happiest person I know> <a happy childhood> b : expressing, reflecting, or suggestive of happiness <a happy ending> c : glad, pleased <I'm happy to meet you> d : having or marked by an atmosphere of good fellowship : friendly <a happy office>
The way we think and how we feel dictate the decisions we make every day. With every moment that passes we are constantly faced with a plethora of splendid situations and a series of sometimes unfortunate happenings that alter our state of thought and shift our feelings. Even though being happy relates to the short term it can lead to the long term emotional high know as JOY.
For months I've observed several of my Instagram friends post photos with a comment: #100happydays. Finally I became intrigued. This mysterious hashtag has got to have reason behind it right? So I googled it. Yes I googled it. To my surprise this hashtag held a greater meaning and it caught my attention. With, and I quote, "71% of people tried to complete this challenge, but failed quoting lack of time as the main reason.These people simpy did not have time to be happy. Do you? "
I took that "Do you?" As a challenge. Though I'm happy and I smile every chance I get, I think this is just the challenge to test my true temporary emotion: happiness. Beginning July 18, 2014 I will document my happiness via Instagram and post a new article every 25 days to the Bars and Warfare Blog. Will this work...will I realize some amazing truth about myself, NO IDEA, but I hope you stick around to read about my journey. This could get wild.
If you'd like more information about getting happy yourself go and take a dive. You may discover a new you and a new sort of happy.
Peace and love,
-Lyrric Cosby Jackson