Thursday, January 17, 2013

Lost State of Mind

"State Of Our Young Men"

Mansions, fancy cars and all the women one man can handle. What message are we sending to our young men? Are these material things that tangible? Is working hard for success becoming a taboo? These are questions that are asked but one is never provided much clarity regarding answers or solutions. One major variable missing from the equation in MENTORING!!! There are too many misguided young men and not enough direction. I challenge all men to take time out of their lives to mentor a young man. To provide them with an understanding that when you set goals, execute them, the end result will be that mansion, that fancy car and a young woman that loves you for you and your accomplishments, not for the amount of money you have in your bank account.

D. Reid

1 comment:

  1. How do we determine who to have as our mentee? I think we need to equal all young men in one category instead of leaving some out, that doesn't fit the "criteria". I ask how can we mentor other children when there parents are setting a bad example? But then again....... Who are we to judge another parents skills when they feel they are doing there best? As always be blessed and stay focus

    PS. We must change ourselves before we can change others
